onsdag den 29. februar 2012
Nået lige færgen - gedde turen ovre.
Så 3 dage i den sydlige af Rügen ovre sammen med Martin "mure" ,Thomas "Kinetic" og Peter "pind". Der var is i flere havne så vi måtte bruge natur rampe . Det blev til +50 stk i hver båd mell 1-4 kg og en på 11 kg . Nu sæsonen lukket.
tirsdag den 28. februar 2012
mandag den 27. februar 2012
Så det vi i Rügen
Martin "mure" og jeg er taget til Rügen efter gedder i 3 dage inden det lukker Torsdag d 1 . Thomas P og Peter M kommer i aften. Nu ser vi...,
søndag den 26. februar 2012
Maeinetorvet i Bella
Så der fuld gang i Både i Bella og Marinetorvet er selvfølgelig med ;) Vi står på Stand B3-043. I dag søndag og fra torsdag til søndag igen.
lørdag den 25. februar 2012
Mili Voj på Stevns
Mødte min gl kyst Mili Voj den anden dag. Han ville en tur på kysten efter vinter og is og det gik .... Vildt godt for ham. En ud sat ca 2 kg. FOTO og en blank gris på 4,7 kg jo nu det forår !!
fredag den 24. februar 2012
Big ice pike
News from Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors
(text in danish below)
112 cm - Last big pike of the ice fishing season?
The other day Daniel Hein from Kinetic was out on the ice on a small Danish lake to try our Kinetic ice fishing rods and our new Kinetic Icecore drills. It was a quick afternoon session and the drill was used extensively. Luckily the quality of the drill made the job easier, and the pikes also seemed to cooperate:
“After catching five smaller pike, we decide to drill a few more holes even though the day is coming to an end. At first nothing happens and we start packing our gear. We are about to take in the last rod as something attack the baitfish. In a steady pace the line disappears into the hole over the deepest part of the lake. As I strike and set the hooks the response is solid and heavy. There’s no doubt. It’s a big pike. After a few runs and some heavy headshaking the head of a big pike shows up in the 200 mm hole. Without further complication I’m able to get a gill grip and land the fish. It’s carefully placed in a weigh sling and the weight is determined: 10.9 kilos. The length of the impressive fish is measured to 112 cm. After a few photos in the very last light of day, the pike is safely returned to its world below the ice.
It is important to point out, that we never keep a pike out of the water in freezing temperatures, since there’s a risk of harming their eyes. Luckily the temperatures this day was above freezing,” says Daniel.
Right now temperatures in Denmark are relatively high and the ice is melting. Daniels pike might very well be the last big fish of the short Danish ice fishing season.
If you have news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a picture:info@fairpoint.dk
Direct: +45 22 12 76 70
Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00
E-mail: peter@fairpoint.dk
Dansk :
10,9 kilo – Sæsonens sidste storgedde fra isen?
Daniel ”Iceman” Hein fra Kinetic var på isen på en mindre dansk sø for at prøve vores isfiskestænger og det nye Kinetic Icecore isbor. Det blev til en hurtig eftermiddagstur, hvor der blev boret flittigt og resultatet udeblev ikke:
”Efter at have fanget fem mindre gedder, bliver vi enige om at bore et par huller mere, selvom det sker mens aftensolen kaster sine sidste stråler. Umiddelbart sker der ikke mere, og vi beslutter at pakke sammen. Før vi når at få den sidste agnfisk ind er der hug. Stille og roligt forsvinder linen ned I det mørke vand ude i det dybe parti af søen. Et solidt modhug bliver besvaret med tunge rusk, der vidner om tung gedde. Efter nogle få udløb viser der sig en stor gedde nede I 200 mm hullet. Uden den store dramatik bliver gedden håndlandet. En tur I vejeslyngen viser en vægt på imponerende 10,9 kg og målebåndet afslører at gedden er 112 cm lang. Efter et par fine fotos I det absolutte sidste aftenlys bliver gedden sendt retur.
Det er i øvrigt vigtigt at understrege at vi aldrig har fisk oppe til fotografering i hård frost, da det skader øjnene. På dette tidspunkt var temperaturen heldigvis over frysepunktet”, slutter Daniel.
Lige nu er det tøvejr her i Danmark, så den fine gedde var muligvis en værdig afslutning på isfiske sæsonen.
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Peter Kirkby, Marketing Coordinator
(text in danish below)
112 cm - Last big pike of the ice fishing season?
The other day Daniel Hein from Kinetic was out on the ice on a small Danish lake to try our Kinetic ice fishing rods and our new Kinetic Icecore drills. It was a quick afternoon session and the drill was used extensively. Luckily the quality of the drill made the job easier, and the pikes also seemed to cooperate:
“After catching five smaller pike, we decide to drill a few more holes even though the day is coming to an end. At first nothing happens and we start packing our gear. We are about to take in the last rod as something attack the baitfish. In a steady pace the line disappears into the hole over the deepest part of the lake. As I strike and set the hooks the response is solid and heavy. There’s no doubt. It’s a big pike. After a few runs and some heavy headshaking the head of a big pike shows up in the 200 mm hole. Without further complication I’m able to get a gill grip and land the fish. It’s carefully placed in a weigh sling and the weight is determined: 10.9 kilos. The length of the impressive fish is measured to 112 cm. After a few photos in the very last light of day, the pike is safely returned to its world below the ice.
It is important to point out, that we never keep a pike out of the water in freezing temperatures, since there’s a risk of harming their eyes. Luckily the temperatures this day was above freezing,” says Daniel.
Right now temperatures in Denmark are relatively high and the ice is melting. Daniels pike might very well be the last big fish of the short Danish ice fishing season.
If you have news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a picture:info@fairpoint.dk
Direct: +45 22 12 76 70
Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00
E-mail: peter@fairpoint.dk
Dansk :
10,9 kilo – Sæsonens sidste storgedde fra isen?
Daniel ”Iceman” Hein fra Kinetic var på isen på en mindre dansk sø for at prøve vores isfiskestænger og det nye Kinetic Icecore isbor. Det blev til en hurtig eftermiddagstur, hvor der blev boret flittigt og resultatet udeblev ikke:
”Efter at have fanget fem mindre gedder, bliver vi enige om at bore et par huller mere, selvom det sker mens aftensolen kaster sine sidste stråler. Umiddelbart sker der ikke mere, og vi beslutter at pakke sammen. Før vi når at få den sidste agnfisk ind er der hug. Stille og roligt forsvinder linen ned I det mørke vand ude i det dybe parti af søen. Et solidt modhug bliver besvaret med tunge rusk, der vidner om tung gedde. Efter nogle få udløb viser der sig en stor gedde nede I 200 mm hullet. Uden den store dramatik bliver gedden håndlandet. En tur I vejeslyngen viser en vægt på imponerende 10,9 kg og målebåndet afslører at gedden er 112 cm lang. Efter et par fine fotos I det absolutte sidste aftenlys bliver gedden sendt retur.
Det er i øvrigt vigtigt at understrege at vi aldrig har fisk oppe til fotografering i hård frost, da det skader øjnene. På dette tidspunkt var temperaturen heldigvis over frysepunktet”, slutter Daniel.
Lige nu er det tøvejr her i Danmark, så den fine gedde var muligvis en værdig afslutning på isfiske sæsonen.
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Peter Kirkby, Marketing Coordinator
torsdag den 23. februar 2012
Så de nye Toby'er og andet landet
Så de nye stor fangere landet i Marinetorvet - se dem og meget andet på messen i Både i Bella fra imorgen ....!
End of season
"Hi guys,Just before the Slovenian hucho season closed, Savage Gear consultant, Jure Ramovz, went out for a quick spin session. He had a good feeling, and when the lights started to dim, his Cannibal Shad got grabbed by something big and sinister.
The fight was on, and a staggering 40 minutes later, Jure could reel in another monster hucho hucho - a broad and heavy fish measuring 108cm.
The fish was of course released unharmed, and it was the perfect conclusion for the 2011/2012 season."
Keep the reports and pictures coming, we simply cannot get enough. info@savage-gear.com
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
The fight was on, and a staggering 40 minutes later, Jure could reel in another monster hucho hucho - a broad and heavy fish measuring 108cm.
The fish was of course released unharmed, and it was the perfect conclusion for the 2011/2012 season."
Keep the reports and pictures coming, we simply cannot get enough. info@savage-gear.com
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
tirsdag den 21. februar 2012
Salt rods from SG
Spring is here aND Savage Gear has made a successful transition into the saltwater market, and among other things, this has resulted in a remarkable and uncompromising rod range – including the Saltwater Lure Fishing Rods and the Trolling and Downrigger Rods.
The ultra lightweight, responsive high modulus carbon fibre blanks, which the Saltwater Lure Fishing Rods have been built on, are developed to give maximum casting distance, but still keep the perfect forgiving tipped action to play seabass, seatrout and cod on thin unelastic braids. The shorter rods are perfect for vertical jigging with Savage Gear Sandeel soft lures - they are ultra sensitive and are therefore perfect for detecting even the slightest take. All rods are built with the very finest saltwater grade components from ALPS – no compromises made!
• ALPS Saltwater grade Reel seats
• ALPS Saltwater Guides
• Super Hard Japanese EVA handles
• Durable high modulus Carbon Blanks
43555 7’ 210cm 8-30g / Vertical >45g 2sec 110cm 150g Tipped
43556 7’4” 228cm 10-45g / Vertical >75g 2sec 116cm 182g Tipped
43557 7’4” 228cm 15-65g / Vertical >150g 2sec 116cm 190g Tipped
43558 8’6” 258cm 20-60g 2sec 134cm 216g Tipped
43559 9’2” 279cm 15-42g 2sec 144cm 215g Tipped
The Trolling and Downrigger Rods are designed using ultra lightweight, and very durable blanks that have been developed to give perfect performance during trolling with Downriggers, Dipsy divers and Paravanes under tough Scandinavian conditions – both in saltwater and freshwater. Guides and components are made to last, even under the toughest fishing in rough conditions – again, no
compromises made!
• ALPS Saltwater grade Reel seats
• Stainless silk Saltwater Guides
• Super Hard Japanese EVA handles
• Light weight Durable Carbon Blanks
• Non slips rubber gimbal buttcap
43560 Trolling 7’ 213cm 10-20lbs 2sec 110cm 220g
43561 Trolling 8’ 243cm 10-20lbs 2sec 126cm 246g
43562 Trolling 8’ 243cm 12-25lbs 2sec 126cm 250g
43563 Trolling Baltic Salmon 8’ 243cm 15-30lbs 2sec 126cm 258g
43564 Trolling 8’6” 258cm 12-25lbs 2sec 134cm 266g
43565 Trolling Dipsy 9’ 270cm 15-30lbs 2sec 137cm 270g"
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
mandag den 20. februar 2012
Fyr & Flamme
Mere fra Nautic Know-How:
"Hej Jan
En super lækker nyhed!
OdeoFlare er etindlysende alternativ til pyrotekniske håndblus, da der ikke bliver brugteksplosiver eller brandfarligt materiale. Pyrotekniske nødblus kan, såfremt deikke bliver opbevaret korrekt, udgøre en sikkerhedsrisiko både ved opbevaringog aktivering. Med Laserteknologi er det nu muligt at eliminere brandfare vedopbevaring og anvendelse af nødblus. Det Laserbaserede OdeoFlare nødblus erdesignet i henhold til SOLAS regulativer, men overstiger langt disse. SOLASgodkendelse er på vej. Et OdeoFlare nødblus svare i brændtid (5-10 timer), tilhvad der ville kræve ca. 600 stk. konventionelle nødblus med "krudt"og er blevet testet i samarbejde med Engelske SAR helikopter redningspiloter,der har fundet nødblusset yderst effektivt også over meget lange afstande.OdeoFlare har 7 års standby tid, på et sæt almindelige AA batterier, hvorimodet blus baseret på pyroteknik skal udskiftes hvert 3. år."
Genial opfindelse!
Mvh Simon
torsdag den 16. februar 2012
Bornholm Bornholm -YouTube sidste nyt
HAR DU EN Coast Key ??
Skal du til Simrishamn eller Bornholm og fiske evt meget alene ?
Kontakt Simon hos Nauticknowhow og få den monteret i Simrishamn / Bornholm.
Nordbornholms trolling rykker på vandet :
Kontakt Per for en uforglemmelig tur fra DK lakse øen nr 1:
Hov har jeg ikk set det foto før ;)
Foto er fra en tur i Køge bugt år tilbage med en tidligere kollega og hans stolte søn med en fin havørred.Så en ny lystfisker født....
Rart man kan hjælpe engang imellem :o)
NEW Seekerlure
"Hi guys,
The Seeker is an aptly named coastal lure, which is extremely long-casting and brutally good looking. The lead-free lure is a part of the new Savage Gear saltwater program, and it has been specifically designed to run shallow with the most enticing kicking action. This unique lure will rotate quite slowly to the sides on spin stops - flashing and attracting the predators from great distances and inducing aggressive strikes.
The incredibly stunning appearance of this lure is unparalleled, and test fishing has proven that it performs wonders on both saltwater and freshwater species. All lures are made with Japanese top quality components and treble hooks, and each lure comes with an additional wide gape single hook for snag-free mounting. They are especially superb for seatrout and seabass!
The Seeker comes in two sizes, a 7,5cm and 16gram version and a 9cm and 23gram version. Available colours are the following; Dirty Silver, Psycho Sardine, Psycho Sandeel, and Lemon Back Flash."
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
onsdag den 15. februar 2012
TBF news - Cape Verde - Blue Marlin
TBF is auctioning two days, May 27-28, 2012, of blue marlin fishing with 2010 Top Atlantic Blue Marlin Release Captain Marty Bates. TBF will include a write up the trip in an upcoming issue of Billfish Magazine and on the "In the Spread" section of the website. Send your top bid by e-mail to Elliott_Stark@billfish.org by 4 pm EST on Thursday February 16, 2012. Please put "Awards trip bid" in the subject line of your e-mail. Please include contact information in your e-mail in case your bid wins the trip.
Home page :
Do you - YouTube -and like CRAZY Tuna´s - watch this ... to the end - AND YOUR BACK :
søndag den 12. februar 2012
Både i Bella - foredrag og Fisk & Fri
Bella centret åbner snart op for årtes båd messe og der er Fisk & Fri med. Kom og få en snak eller tår og drikke. Iøvrigt er der div. fiske foredrag - måske der er et der passer dig.
Listen med dato / tider er her :
Panama report - Andreas Holm
"Hi guys.
Andreas Holm has just returned after a very successful trip to Panama. Here, he learned that the Savage Gear Cutbait Herring is superb for a wide variety of muscular tropical fish, and in the end - he ended up wishing, he had brought along some more of these lures.
The few Cutbait Herring, he had taken with him, gradually got stuck on the bottom one by one, but before that - he caught an array of really impressive fish. Among them, a monster grouper with incredible markings that couldn't resist the Redfish version of the lure.
The very last Cutbait Herring was 'stolen' by something sinister and big - a fish that threatened to spool Andreas - and which ultimately broke off the line on some cliff fragments below!
Andreas also enjoyed some great sport in the shallows, jerking Savage Gear Freestyler lures. The rewards came in the form of big jacks and roosterfish!
Have a great weekend, and keep the pictures and reports coming! Whether it’s big pike or any other great predator fish - we cannot get enough!"
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
lørdag den 11. februar 2012
Hirtshals & Rødvig is frit !
"Hej Jan
Bare lige en info,hvis du kan bruge den
Har lige været i Hirtshals og der er fuldstændig isfrit ved slæbestedet"
Claus og Annette Jensen
Stadionvej 7,
9760 Vraa
E-mail: cjaj@os.dk
mobil: +4522217270 (Annette)
mobil: +31651747816 (Claus)
Bare lige en info,hvis du kan bruge den
Har lige været i Hirtshals og der er fuldstændig isfrit ved slæbestedet"
Claus og Annette Jensen
Stadionvej 7,
9760 Vraa
E-mail: cjaj@os.dk
mobil: +4522217270 (Annette)
mobil: +31651747816 (Claus)
torsdag den 9. februar 2012
NEW Cortez rod
"Hi guys,
Last year saw the release of the extremely popular Okuma Cortez sea fishing reel, which struck a real note with its smooth design and elegant red finish. Now, Okuma present the perfect rod to go along with the Cortez reel – the Cortez sea fishing rod. Actually, we’re dealing with a whole rod series - one for modern sea fishing with both lures and rigs/bait.
The series features strong put-in 1/3 handle section and a progressive, relatively tipped 2/3 blank section with perfectly balanced action to play big fish like cod, coalfish, halibut and big turbot."
The features are as follows:
• Light weight, high modulus carbon fiber blanks
• Stainless steel highrise guide frames with SIC rings
• Deluxe Reel seats and EVA handles
• Two section blanks
And here are the specs:
43987 6’6” 198cm 20-30lb 287g (weight) 110cm (transport length)
43988 6’6” 198cm 30-50lb 298g (weight) 110cm (transport length)
44155 7’4” 249cm 6-12lb 290g (weight) 138cm (transport length)
43989 7’4” 249cm 12-20lb 304g (weight) 138cm (transport length)
43990 7’4” 249cm 20-30lb 309g (weight) 138cm (transport length)
43991 7’4” 249cm 30-50lb 330g (weight) 138cm (transport length)
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
Erhvervsparken 14
4621 Gadstrup
Phone: +45 46 17 00 37
onsdag den 8. februar 2012
Ice - page southen baltic sea
Hi Jan,
nice service you provide with informations in your blog which harbours are closed by ice. If you like to get an overview about the current ice situation in danish and german waters, just follow this link:
It´s updated several times per week. This map shows us that currently there is no chance for german boats to look for the salmon/seatrouts :-(
Or :
Sven Hille
nice service you provide with informations in your blog which harbours are closed by ice. If you like to get an overview about the current ice situation in danish and german waters, just follow this link:
It´s updated several times per week. This map shows us that currently there is no chance for german boats to look for the salmon/seatrouts :-(
Or :
Sven Hille
fredag den 3. februar 2012
5 cm tyk is - Klintholm
I Klintholm havn - Møn er der 5 cm tyk is !!
PAS nu på over isning HVIS i kæmper jer ud...
Klik her :
PAS nu på over isning HVIS i kæmper jer ud...
Klik her :
Kastrup havn lukket af is :-(
Kastrup havn lukket af is :-(
torsdag den 2. februar 2012
Hjælp vild laksen og Don !
Se godt på foto - miljøkæmperen Don Staniford "græder" over havlus....
Giv din mening til kende og hjælp evt Don i kampen mod at bevare vild laksen.
Du blir hvad du spiser ....IKKE godt - ad når man ser dette indlæg her :
Doner til Don og kampen :
Tanke vækkende Fed film med god point...Klik & Kik
Svenske Fiskejournalen hjælper til - se div artikler ect:
Giv din mening til kende og hjælp evt Don i kampen mod at bevare vild laksen.
Du blir hvad du spiser ....IKKE godt - ad når man ser dette indlæg her :
Doner til Don og kampen :
Svenske Fiskejournalen hjælper til - se div artikler ect:
onsdag den 1. februar 2012
Test foto fra Lars
"Hej Svenne .Hermed omsider de første par screendumps fra min båd af GSD 24 i kombination med Airmar TM270W 1 kW wide beam (25°/25°) transducer . Det er vel ok crisp? :o)"
Lars Nielsen
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