fredag den 31. august 2012

Hard lures - hard work

To get big fish like this could be hard work - with hard or soft lures .

torsdag den 30. august 2012

Kinetic news

                                                  News from Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors

Fishing for fat saithe with Slim Jim
During august the fishing for huge saithe has been excellent at the Nordic Sea Fishing camp at Sørøya. The Guides Johan Mikkelsen and Erik Axner were the first to find the saithe near one of their far away hotspots “Storskaltern” as they were testing a prototype of a new Magic Minnow jig for 2013 called Slim Jim. Fishing the jig up and down at a decent speed through the water column proved to be superior to all other lures and methods. Several huge saithe were caught by guides and customers with an estimated number of 10-12 fish over 10 kilos. The biggest was 15.5 kilos. For the following weeks the huge saithe and some large cods have been at the same spot whenever the weather has been calm enough to go out there.
The halibut fishing has also been good. One of the nicer fish caught lately was a 138 cm fish caught on the Magic Minnow Giant Jighead  – a jig only licensed for sale in Scandinavia. Several fish have been caught at Storskaltarn, but the fishing has also been excellent in shallow water at a depth from 7-20 meters near the shore.
At all the Nordic Sea Fishing camps there are reports of excellent halibutfishing right now. This time of year the fish tend to stay in shallow water and the shorter days makes the biting periods more intense. At the camp in Nappstraumen on Lofoten, guide Fredrik Schmitherlöw has been suscessful using the biggest version of the Magic Minnow Big Bob jig. This 730 g / 40 cm jig is a big mouthful, but the medium and large size halibut loves it. At Sørøya a 185 cm long halibut was caught by Tommy Påhlsson on a Fancy Cola Cacao colored version of this lure at the end of July. Right now they are hoping to catch an even bigger one at Nappstraumen…

If you have news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a

Marketing Coordinator, Peter Kirkby

Så der Trolling landskamp

I den kommende weekend er der den traditionele trolling "landskamp"
Sverige vs Danmark
Og det foregår på alles "hjemme - bane -vand" i farvandet øatersøen ud fra Simrishamn.
Svenskerne har lidt hjemme fordel MEEEN det forlyder vi dansker får hjælp fra lakse øen Bornholm af en KÆMPE flåde af kamp klar sultneog tørstige stærke "holmere" sååå dk´er føl dig SIKKER ;o)

Tjek Simris nyt her :

Her er lidt fra Preben B. der er super KLAR:

"Hej Jan

Her er historien:
"Vil bare sige, at nu er vi danskere helt klar til at banke svenskerne til landskampen i Simris i weekenden, nu håber vi bare på vejret. Har lige arbejdet
lidt med hjemmemalingen og nu må vi se, hvad laksene siger om de er til svensk eller dansk. Hvis vi kun må fiske med disse flagblink, er jeg bange for, at svenskerne løber med sejren....:o)"

Med venlig hilsen

Preben Braagaard - Team Lille Ly/Coachers

onsdag den 29. august 2012

Sea trouts the Danish way.

                                              News from Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors

Excellent sea trout fishing
The sea trout fishing in Denmark and the southern Sweden has been excellent for the last couple of weeks. Two weeks ago expert fly tier and sportsfishing journalist Andreas Aggerlund was fishing in Denmark with Peter Kirkby from Kinetic. Peter was fishing from the shore while Andreas was flyfishing and covering a little deeper water from his pontoon boat. The latter proved to be the best tactic as Andreas hooked a huge trout in prime condition. After an intense fight the fish was landed and it was indeed huge: 5.0 kilos and 70 cm were the measures – the biggest trout Andreas has ever caught on a flyrod. The fish was caught using a Rio Fast intermediate Sea Trout Shootinghead and a tubefly imitating a small sandeel. This clear shootinghead is a favorite for most of Andreas´ flyfishing from shore or pontoon boat and it was stripped in at a fast pace (almost as fast as possible) when the trout took the fly.
Next day Peter and Andreas were out again. This day Andreas decided to try spinfishing and it proved to be a good choice as he caught another impressive trout. This one was 4.7 kilos and took a Magic Minnow Sømmet inline lure.
The following weekend Andreas decided to go to Sweden and was rewarded with another big fish. Once again Magic Minnow Sømmet did the job. This time the weight of the trout was 3.1 kilo.
Same weekend as Andreas was going from Denmark to Sweden, Swedish Daniel Nilsson from Kinetic did just the opposite. Together with some of the Danish Kinetic guys he was boatfishing in Denmark. Out of several trouts caught on Sømmet that day Daniel had the biggest at approximately 4 kilos. This was a large colored fish that was released right after the capture and it was also a personal best for Daniel.
During the weekend that just passed Peter Kirkby from Kinetic was out again. For the last many trips he had been quite successful spinflyfishing with a clear/intermediate 20g Bombette / casting float and a Unique Flies RPO Yellow Tail. This combination worked excellent on a lot of smaller trout’s and some nicer ones up to 63 cm.
This weekend the rig worked again and so did Sømmet. A nice fish estimated at 3-4 kilos was lost on the Yellowtail fly and soon after a 55 cm fish was caught and released using the same fly. Later on Peter changed spot and tried fishing in some big waves as the wind picked up.  Using Sømmet he was immediately rewarded with a beautiful 2.4 kilo / 59 cm fish and later on two other trout’s around 1-1.5 kg were also tempted by the inline lure.

If you have news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a

Direct: +45 22 12 76 70
Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Peter Kirkby, Marketing Coordinator

mandag den 27. august 2012

Monster August salmon´s !

Good Hope Cannery Lodge , River's Inlet B.C.
Tyler Mills with angler Deborah Whitman-Perry of Ontario , On August 19th 2012- bag a huge salmon that was measured and released and estimated to be 83.3 Lbs!
A second huge Spring was caught in August in Bella Bella, B.C.

Mike Pang with a released monster Spring . The measurements on the fish were 49 x 34.5 which he estimates it to be around 73 Lbs!

See more at :


søndag den 26. august 2012

Trolling traf "Sandhamn" slut

Nået lige at se vinderne i Sandhamn. Laks 13 kg. Mange fine fisk ved indvejning her Kl 16 idag . Bliver spændende og prøve fiskeriet selv de næste dag v/Karlskrona yderst i Hanö bugten. Mvh Peter "futte" Svendsen

onsdag den 22. august 2012

I fiskeri kan ALT ske...

Så er næste års udenlands tur bestilt og det bliver en popper tur efter GT.
Fandet et klip af en frisk gut der har tur i den og godt han har - sko på !
Tryk of se den færdig...

Big perch by Kenetic guys

                                      Cannibals on the hunt – big perch fishing in midwater
Big lake perch can be hard to target at summertime, but not impossible. Torben Christensen and Jess Glargaard from Kinetic prefer to search the open water areas for larger fish using natural bait and light tackle. One of the favorite set ups is to use a light Goodspeed G2 8´ rod, a size 2500 TiCA reel and a sliding float or a bottom bouncing with fluorocarbon leader and a size 4 Lazer Trokar TK400 hook
The big perch are usually scarce and hard to find but once you succeed they are vicious predators who don’t mind attacking a fair size roach or even turning into cannibalism when attacking one of their own!
Last weekend Torben and Jess went perch fishing in a large Danish lake. In total the two of them managed to catch and release five huge perch. The “smallest” one was an impressive 1200g perch and the two biggest took the scale to 1540 and 1580g.  
When using natural bait it is important not to hesitate too long before setting the hooks. Allow only a few seconds to pass after a large perch attacks the bait and then strike. This way the fish will be hooked in the outer part of the mouth and can easily be released unharmed again.

All photos by Jess Glargaard /

Direct: +45 22 12 76 70
Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Peter Kirkby, Marketing Coordinator

Tun i Køge bugt !

....aaaah ikke helt MEN mini tun art kaldet rygstribet Pelamide -engelsk Atlantic Bonito. 2,5 kilo og 60 cm blev landet på Mosede havn i forgårs efter bundgarns fisker Claus Olsen havde haft den glæde at se og fange den. En medium størrelse af sin art der bliver 5-6 kg hvor verdensrekorden er på 18 lbs fra Azorene.Der er ENDNU ingen fanget af dansk lystfisker i DK så REKORDEN er åben - ud og fisk ~ ~ >}}}*>

Lækker lakse video - undervand!

Faldt over en godt klippet "under water - salmon strike´s" video. Tryk og tjek...

Tun - Kroatien nyt

Kroatien nyt fra Palle & Co :"Hej Jan.Vi ligger hernede og sveder bravt . Fangede 3 tun igår 35 - 40 - 45 kg de 2 sidste blev fightet uden harnisk men med stang bælte det var rigtig fedt at fighte fisken på den måde"
Hilsen Palle & Co

Lygte trailer trick's al'a "Diva 3"

Den gode Kaj I båden Diva 3 har været træt og ked af sin trailer lygte bom.
Her er hans egen lovlige løsning. Måske du kan lave din egen ?

fredag den 17. august 2012

Funny funny

ICAST - do you cast?

                                                     Savage Success at ICAST in Orlando!!

Hi Folks,

The ICAST show in Orlando was a mega Scoop for Savage Gear - that have teamed up with up with OKUMA USA for distribution in the states!

Douglas Lasko, President Okuma Fishing tackle USA:
“Savage lures were by far the hit of the show.  The booth and swim tank had a crowd around it from opening to closing all 3 days!  These lures offer something for every fishery and we have seen a phenomenal increase in retail placement after the show. ”

Mads Grosell, Product Manager Savage Gear:
“The show was great for us and the new 3D and finesse Lure range seems spot on!! it Will great be a great opportunity in the years to come after this show – People went Nuts over the Real Eel and so did the sales team!”

Here is few links to reaction from the press who went to our stand:

Best Regards

Mads Grosell
Product Manager Svendsen Sport A/S

Direct: +4521920637

Join us on Facebook:

Summer as Savage gear

                                                                           Hi Folks

 Did you have a great summer??
We certainly did – loads and loads of great catch reports!!

 Incredible summer fishing in the Baltic Part of Denmark for Mads Grosell, that teamed up with customers and team members to enjoy the insane fishing. In total, four trips with more than 200+ pike landed up to 122cm!!

By far the best lures in the brackish water have been the 4Play 19cm Swim and jerk in natural colors and off course the new Real eel!!

 Also, great action across Europe with many reports – Big perch, Zander, Catfish and Seabass !!
Now, the Vacation is over and we will start up the weekly reports with great pictures and product info again!

 If you have any news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a picture – we cant get enough!!

Best Regards

 Mads Grosell

Product Manager Svendsen Sport A/S

 Join us on Facebook:

torsdag den 16. august 2012

mandag den 13. august 2012

Small guy - BIG fish!

                                                     News from Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors

Six years old and stand up fighting a spearfish + New Marlin Video

Most anglers think that fighting a billfish is a sport for heavy weight champions. And yes, it sometimes takes a lot of raw muscle power and strength to succeed, but the right technique is usually more important. At an age of six years young Christian Eldor had to develop his own big game fighting technique when catching a 44 lbs spearfish. Christian was visiting the small island La Gomera which is part of the Canary Islands and together with his father Thomas Eldor Petersen from Fairpoint Outdoors/Kinetic he was fishing on board a private boat Beast’n owned and sailed by Søren Jensen from Vejle in Denmark. Besides targeting blue marlin they were also using a heavy popper rod and a fixed spool reel rigged with a smaller lure to target spearfish. When a spearfish finally attacked the lure, the rod was handed to Christian. To be able to fight the fish he had to hold the rod handle between his legs and use all his strength to turn the reel and constantly put pressure on the rod and the fish. He managed to succeed in his first stand up fight against a billfish and land the impressive Atlantic spearfish that was twice as long as Christian himself and had a weight of 44 pounds (20kg). The catch could have been a new world record in the small fry category, but skipper handed Christian the rod from the rodholder placed near the flybridge. According to the record rules no one else can hold the rod during the fight.
This fish wasn’t the only one Christian caught during his visit on La Gomera. On board Beast’n he also caught a three kilo skip jack tuna and when fishing in the local harbor he had some excellent fishing for mullets. By using bread on a small hook he caught several mullets up to three kilos. Most of them were fighting like crazy in between boats, poles and piers. In addition to this he also caught several smaller colorful fish of different species.

Marlin action Video
Christian’s Father Thomas Eldor Petersen from Kinetic is an experienced blue water angler who has caught a large number of billfish and large tunas around the globe. During this trip to La Gomera he also caught and released a 550 lbs blue marlin. This marlin from La Gomera was his first from this location, but far from being his first blue marlin. On several occasions he has been visiting Cape Verde to fish with one of the World’s top marlin skippers Zak Conde onbord the boat Amelia ( A new video showing some of the fights, jumps and incredible marlin action is now found on YouTube. It can be seen by following this link:

Video download:
A downloadable file for use on your own website is also available. Follow this link:

For further information on Kinetic, Tica, Viva, Move Mountains, Westin, Unique Flies, Hardy, Eagle Claw, Rio, Rooster Tail and Fox Light in Scandinavia, please

Marketing Coordinator, Peter Kirkby

Direct: +45 22 12 76 70
Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00

lørdag den 11. august 2012

Den var spøjs - Lyseblå Aborre!

                            Lyseblå aborre

Fiskeatlasset har fået indberettet en opsigtsvækkende fangst. Det drejer sig om en lyseblå aborre, der blev fanget af Lene Olsen på Tissø på en wobler d. 4. august 2012. Kun en enkelt gang tidligere er der indberettet lyseblå aborrer til Fiskeatlasset (fra en mindre sjællandsk skovsø sidst i 1990’erne), og det er første gang, at der er medfulgt et foto.
Den lyseblå aborre er ikke blevet undersøgt nærmere, så pigmentsammensætningen kunne granskes, men den højst specielle farve skyldes efter al sandsynlighed en form for delvis albinisme, hvor et eller flere af fiskene farvepigmenter mangler. I dette tilfælde er det formentlig de gule og røde pigmenter, der mangler. Fænomenet kendes fra bl.a. de blå rimter, der kan købes i mange havecentre, men individer med mutationen har naturligvis kraftigt forhøjet risiko for at blive ædt, hvilket gør dem meget sjældne i naturlige bestande.
Fanger du fisk med usædvanlige farver, hører Fiskeatlasset meget gerne om det. Du bedes om muligt medsende billeder, og er fisken gemt, vil vi gerne have den til de videnskabelige samlinger, så den kan bevares for eftertiden.
Kilde :

fredag den 10. august 2012

Svinet sejret

                                                 News from Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors

Halibut report from Havøysund
Every year Nikolaj Hjort from Denmark spends two weeks guiding for Nordic Sea Angling ( at their camp at Havøysund in northern Norway. According to Nikolaj there’s no doubt on the choice of rod for his sea fishing.
“The Edge 3776, 20-30 lbs boat rod is simply top of the line, says Nikolaj. It is the best rod for this kind of fishing and shows an incredible amount of backbone; still it is light and has a great balance. Even when flexing down to the front handle it has that extra power, and I have never used a better rod.”
Besides fishing with different costumers Nicolaj was accompanied by his team-mate Kim Jæger when he was visiting the camp in July this year. Many days the weather was rough and conditions were hard, but they managed to test their rods on several big halibuts. During the two weeks Kim had halibust measuring 152 and 153 cm as his two best catches. Nikolaj was able to match this with an impressive fish measuring 156 cm. Both Kim and Nikolaj’s biggest were fat fish in prime condition and the weights were estimated at around 60 kilos before releasing those big halibuts – a great gesture and an important part of preserving the halibut population in the area.

All photos by courtesy of Nikolaj Hjort /

 If you have news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a

For further information on Kinetic, Tica, Viva, Move Mountains, Westin, Unique Flies, Hardy, Eagle Claw, Rio, Rooster Tail and Fox Light in Scandinavia, please

Marketing Coordinator, Peter Kirkby

Direct: +45 22 12 76 70
Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Peter Kirkby, Marketing Coordinator

Fairpoint Outdoors A/S | Gydevang 4, 1. | DK-3450 | Allerød | Denmark
Phone: +45 4810 3800 | Direct: +45 22 12 76 70 | Fax: +45 4810 3810 |

Buller Ballerup og Beluga

Rapport Jan Nielsen alias "Buller" som var den glade fanger af en Stør i Poppelsøen i Ballerup- 4,2 og 5,5 kg 6 stk ialt...

onsdag den 8. august 2012

Billfish foundation

                                                         Look here :

Det var 600 g - tæt på!

"Hej JanD 7-8 fångade jag en karp på 23,08 kg.
620 gr från Svenska rekordet :-)"
Hälsar Fredrik -Team Zilla F
STORT tillykke - waaauuu hvilken "fed-gris"...JS

tirsdag den 7. august 2012

Lidt laks nyt fra Øland

"Hej Janne

Sommar fisket är i fullgång på Öland. Dom sista veckorna har dom som varit ute fått bra med lax.
Tyvärr inga större laxar ännu, men vikten brukar blir betydligt högre i augusti så dom kommer nog upp snart.
Var ute i förmiddags och hade på 4 laxar, en hade klippt fett fena så den åkte med hem."


mandag den 6. august 2012

Team Zilla F i Simris

Simris rapport :"Hej Jan.
Blir det fisket något?
Jag och Ralf testade Simrishamn Lördag och vi fick denna 10+ på bläckfisk och grön 8 tums flasher på 85 fot vid wp 8."
Hilsen Fredrik - Team Zilla F

søndag den 5. august 2012

Møn sats

Det blev til 2 både som satset på Møn og sen sommer laks denne weekend.Vejret blev bedre end de havde sagt så vi Team Nybølle og BM gik mod 40 meter'en. Der var vildt mange alger i overfladen. Flere pladser blev prøvet og et sted var vand temp 7-8 C i 110 f men intet skete - mest var den 11-13 C der var en del føde fisk til tider men mest i det varme vand. Så ingen lakse nab tros gå på mod. Hvem ved måske næste gang ;) Iøvrigt fik Nybølle en fed sommer ørred v Møn på 6,5 kilo og os et par stykker til grillen. (Foto : Jesper Bauer Team Nybølle)

Simris rapport

"Hej Jan! Har nu fiskat två dagar i simris. Första dagen så fick vi 1 lax på 4 kg och en havsöring på 6.5 kg. Andra dagen så fick vi 2 laxar och en superfet havsöring 6 kg. Och tappade 3 fiskar.Bra bete var löja och bläckfisk. Skönt att vara tillbaks i simris igen". Mvh Niklas Larsson.

Rapport Kroatien

"Hej jan vi fik to i dag 1 på 174 cm ca 75-80 kg tun på okuma 30 lbs . 1 på 50-60 kg tun så min søn Magnus har været på arb i dag" Mvh Fam. Buch

Rapport Tromsø

"Hej Jan. 4 op til 37 kg på førstedagen. Vind idag, så skagøysund. Imorgen let vind til udenskærsfiskeri. " Vh Teunis Jansen
Iøvrigt er Team splinten på Arnøya i Norge og fået plettet havkat optil 14,2 kg !!

lørdag den 4. august 2012

Sundet & Simris

Rapport fra Buller i Øresund igår. En kasse gode flåd fisket makreller med 3 over kiloet v Ven. Maks i Team Fjolle var 1/2 dag i Simris- 2x65 cm samt mistet 1 ca 7 kg v båden.
Sikkert mange der skal ud i det gode weekend vejr - SÅ send gerne rapport. Hvad du end har oplevet ... Sejl sikkert.

Det har været multe vejr

Rapport fra Jalal "multe mand" :Der findes kun en Multe konge ;)) er oppe på 25 hvor de 17 er fra åben kyst :))Været knald på de sidste dage de brød sultne har fået nogle flotte fisk .. 4 stk på land 2 mistet og utallige bommet fisk ;)))Så den lille spirrevip der savnede sin far ;))Denne tog Idag en kleppert på 4,8 kg der var til brød :)) "

torsdag den 2. august 2012

Tun nyt fra Kroatien

Pt er der en håndfuld DK både i Kroatien og flere kommer til den næste Md. René Letvad og sønnen Jannik fik bla 4 den anden dag optil ca 70 kg alle sat ud da C&R gælder. Idag har René - Lars Buch - med ude og på 1,5 time har de mistet 2.... Følge med her dden næste Md ....

onsdag den 1. august 2012

"Futte" fes til Simris

"Hej Jan. Så kom der en skøn 8 en halver laks i futte båden. Der blev fanget meget lidt. En del både men jeg hørte kun om en stor havørred mere"
Peter "futte" Svendsen

Sommer laks ved Møn

Så skal der prøves efter sommer laks ved Møn på 40 meter'en i kommende weekend...
Holder vejret er BM der nede Lør/Søn.
Så trænger du og din båd til frisk luft så tag med ;)
I kan skrive i kommentar felt .