tirsdag den 31. januar 2012
4play News
"Hi everyone,
For 2012, we are happy to announce that the by now legendary 4Play family is joined by some very eye-catching new members. The new members come in well-known designs like the lip lure, the lowrider, and the swim and jerk, but they are all dressed up in new exciting outfits and colours. The new colours include the Jack Pike 3D, the Rainbow Smolt, and the Brown Burbot, and they are all so ultra realistic that pike and other predators will be challenged to leave them alone...."
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
Kastrup is fri
Is rapport "Ikke skyggen af is i Kastrup havn, og det kommer der heller ikke så længe det lufter fra øst.
Kulden samler de store overspringer så weekenden kunne godt blive ond B-)" Einar
Kulden samler de store overspringer så weekenden kunne godt blive ond B-)" Einar
mandag den 30. januar 2012
Hjælp søges - IS tid igen - Opdaters her på bloggen.
Så kong vinter over os igen - igen - igen. Det rammer jo os småbåds fiske tosser.
SÅ hjælp til selv hjælp omkring is situationen i div havne.
Listen er begyndt og flere kommer på . Så er du ude og køre,gå tur med traileren, eller over vejer at komme af med svigermor :o) så SMS- MMS- MAIL gerne med netop dags "formen" i din havn.
Må foråret komme hurtigt......
søndag den 29. januar 2012
Nyt icon
Så der nyt icon når du ligger til dine "farvoritter" ell. surfer rundt på div blog sites såååå
det nemmer og hitte BlueMagic.
det nemmer og hitte BlueMagic.
lørdag den 28. januar 2012
"Hi Folks,
Here is the new 2012 lures swimming!!
By all means – use the link!!
Brgds Mads Grosell
Manager www.savage-gear.com
fredag den 27. januar 2012
New Carp rods.
"Hi folks
The C3 Carp Rod is this years big rod news from Prologic. It is the flag ship rod in the new Carp Series which also includes the C2 and C1 rods. The C3 rod series, which encompasses five specialist rods, is quite simply the perfect carp rod series for the uncompromising carp angler! The rods feature remarkable details and they are designed for modern carp fishing with power enough for casting at extreme distances and yet with a sublime forging action for fighting the powerful carp under the rod tip."
The C3 rods feature the following:
High modulus carbon blanks
Ultra Slim & lightweight
Premium quality SIC guides
Machine Cut ALPS reel seat
Smooth operator line clips
The specs are as follows:
43869 12 360cm 2.75LBS 2sec 188cm 310g -
43870 12 360cm 3LBS 2sec 188cm 330g -
43871 12 360cm 3.5LBS 2sec 188cm 385g -
43872 13 390cm 3.5LBS 2sec 209cm 390g -
43873 10 300cm 3LBS 2sec 157cm 260g
Have a great weekend everyone.
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
torsdag den 26. januar 2012
Rhino´s paravan - "How to do"
Rhino Paravan
Rigging the Rhino Paravan:
The Rhino Paravane is primarily used for trolling behind sideplaners and can be placed anywhere on the line to suit the angler’s preference, without causing line damage. This means the Paravane has no effect on agile bait action due to its weight and does not alarm fish if, for example, it has caught seagras.
Let the bait out approx. 10 to 20 m into the stern wash and then insert the thin end of the tapered pin into the Paravan holder from behind. To enable the Paravane to deliver its full diving effect, the diving blade should be pointing towards the rod (see drawing). The distance between the bait and Paravane has very little influence on the diving depth. However, since the Paravane must be removed again during a fight, this should not be too short (at least 10 m), or the fish will be too close to the boat and removal will be unnecessarily difficult.
Diving depths achieved:
The distance between the Paravan and sideplaner largely determines the diving depth and, hence, the swimming depth of the bait. Distances of 25–35 m have proven effective in practice. You should therefore measure the distance when the Paravan touches the water and when you are hanging the line in the sideplaner or the clip of a planer board line.
Tip: Use line counters or measure the distance before starting angling and mark the line with a waterproof pen. The diving depth is also obviously influenced by the line diameter and speed through the water. The higher the speed and greater the line diameter, the flatter the swimming action of the Paravan. It is therefore difficult to give precise figures, as these will always vary depending on the swell, tide and tackle used.
The following depths correspond to a distance of approx. 30 m between Paravane and sideplaner / planer board, at a speed of 2.5 knots and a line diameter of 0.40 mm (20 lb monofilament).
Paravane weight Diving depth
10 g 1 m
25 g 2 m
45 g 3 m
70 g 4-5 m
90 g 6-7 m
On a tight curve, the speed is significantly slower on the inside of the curve. The Paravanes can therefore reach significantly deeper depths (risk of snagging!). Travelling in slight curves can often mean more fish in the boat as the Paravanes automatically search for fish at different depths.
Benefits at a glance
• Can be positioned as far from the bait as you want – avoids spooking fish!
• Removable during a fight so does not get in the way during landing
• Rounded, polished edges mean no line damage
• Reliably catches drifting seaweed in the water that would otherwise become tangled with the bait
• Different sizes allow bait swimming depths to be set perfectly
YOUTUBE video:
Kind regards
Frerk Petersen
Zebco Europe
Manager Marketing & Public Relation
Tel.: +49 (0) 41 82 / 29 43 34
Mobile: +49 (0) 175 / 266 27 88
Fax: +49 (0) 41 82 / 29 43 22
Skype: zse_fpetersen
Zebco Europe GmbH · Elsterbogen 12-14 · D-21255 Tostedt
Tel. 0 41 82 / 29 43-0 · Fax 0 41 82 / 29 43-22
E-Mail: info-de@zebco-europe.com · www.zebco-europe.com
Handelsregister Hamburg · HRB 115690 · USt-ID (VAT): DE815249344
St.-Nr. 15/200/06923 · Geschäftsführer: Peter Delwes
Nice seatrouts
"Hi Jan!
I was out fishing with fishing guide Steffen Dietze from http://www.guided-fishing-tours.de/ two days and we did very well with both seatrout and cod. We got many action and were happy to boat some nice looking and sturdy trouts. Fishing took place in 6-8 m water depth. One of the top producer was SG herring spoon, but also the classic Apex worked great. Some of the fish have had remains from garfish in their stomach. Can´t wait for the next trip..."
Best regards,
Sven Hille
Trio Red
Hi guys,
You all know the highly technical and uniquely designed Trio and Trio HS reels by now, but heres another addition to the series the Trio Red Core reel. Its an eye-catching addition with its elegant red aluminum body parts, and it comes at a very reasonable prize, making it an entry-level Trio reel. The Trio Red Core features the following:
4BB stainless steel bearings
Quick-set anti-reverse roller bearing
Precision Machine cut brass pinion gear
CRC: Corrosion Resistant Coating Process
Crossover aluminum and graphite hybrid body design
Precision elliptical gearing system
Rigid, forged aluminum handle design
Hydro Block water tight drag seal
Heavy duty, solid aluminum, anodized bail wire
RESII: Computer-balanced Rotor Equalizing System
G-Tech spool
Six different models are available, and here are the specs:
43938 RC20 4+1 5.0:1 220m 0.35mm 240g
43939 RC30 4+1 5.0:1 220m 0.20mm 280g
43940 RC40 4+1 5.0:1 170m 0.30mm 300g
43941 RC55 4+1 4.5:1 260m 0.35mm 340g
43942 RC65 4+1 4.8:1 330m 0.35mm 610g
43943 RC80 4+1 4.8:1 270m 0.40mm 630g
As always, RRPs and hi res pictures are available upon request.
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
Erhvervsparken 14
4621 Gadstrup
Phone: +45 46 17 00 37
You all know the highly technical and uniquely designed Trio and Trio HS reels by now, but heres another addition to the series the Trio Red Core reel. Its an eye-catching addition with its elegant red aluminum body parts, and it comes at a very reasonable prize, making it an entry-level Trio reel. The Trio Red Core features the following:
4BB stainless steel bearings
Quick-set anti-reverse roller bearing
Precision Machine cut brass pinion gear
CRC: Corrosion Resistant Coating Process
Crossover aluminum and graphite hybrid body design
Precision elliptical gearing system
Rigid, forged aluminum handle design
Hydro Block water tight drag seal
Heavy duty, solid aluminum, anodized bail wire
RESII: Computer-balanced Rotor Equalizing System
G-Tech spool
Six different models are available, and here are the specs:
43938 RC20 4+1 5.0:1 220m 0.35mm 240g
43939 RC30 4+1 5.0:1 220m 0.20mm 280g
43940 RC40 4+1 5.0:1 170m 0.30mm 300g
43941 RC55 4+1 4.5:1 260m 0.35mm 340g
43942 RC65 4+1 4.8:1 330m 0.35mm 610g
43943 RC80 4+1 4.8:1 270m 0.40mm 630g
As always, RRPs and hi res pictures are available upon request.
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
Erhvervsparken 14
4621 Gadstrup
Phone: +45 46 17 00 37
Westin "platypus" - Pike & Perch
News from Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors
Westin Platypus vs. monster perch
The rolling action of Westin Platypus is deadly to most predators. It’s no secret that big pikes were the main targets in mind when designing this lure, but perch seems to love them as well. The latest choking report comes from Henrik Lützen from the Danish shop Predator Sportsfishing who was on the water at the end of last week:
“I had a super day of fishing, says Henrik. We were targeting pig pikes and caught several with the two biggest around seven kilos, but the big surprise of the day was not the pikes!
We were trolling the lake with four rods out – one of them with my last Parrot Special colored 57 g Westin Platypus. During the day 25 fish were caught in total and out of these nothing less than 18 were caught on the same rod. The rod with the Platypus! As I mentioned there were other big predators than pike around. Three monster perch were caught. The two “smaller” ones where 1.7 and 1.8 kilos and the biggest measured 47 cm and had a weight of 2.1 kilos! It was –of course – caught on the Platypus lure. This trip is far from the only time I see this lure outperform everything else, and I’m just sorry they were sold out and this was the only one I had left.”
Henriks huge 2.1 kilo lake perch is by far the biggest we have heard of, since the new lure arrived in the shops, but it is far from unusual that perch from 700 grams and up attacks this lure. We were actually able to film it when a 800 g perch attacked underwater and was caught by 5 years old Christian Eldor. Spend a minute to watch the entertaining video!
We have also received reports on big pikes caught using the Platypus lure. In December Wolf Dieter Kaiser from Ruegenfishing.de caught a pike measuring 112 cm and 11.2 kilo. It also took the Parrot Special color, that Henrik used for his perch. Other colors that have worked well for Wolf and the brackish water pikes at Rügen are Emo and Natural Pike.
If you have news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a picture:info@fairpoint.dk
Henrik Lützen showing his fantastic 2.1 kilos perch caught on a Westin Platypus
(photo: www.predatorsportfishing.dk)
German brackish water pikes are crazy about Westin Platypus. This is a 112 cm specimen caught by Wolf Dieter Kaiser.
Video Links:
Perch attacking Westin Platypus lure underwater
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw4Fx0VfhxE
The video can be seen on YouTube and it is possible to embed it on your own website.
Download: https://www.yousendit.com/download/T2dja0ZUQzdnYVBvS3NUQw
This 76 Mb video can be downloaded and used on media websites – credit: kineticfishing.com
This press release has been mailed to several Medias. Please let us know if you need additional information or photos.
For further information on Kinetic, Tica, Viva, Move Mountains, Westin, Unique Flies, Hardy, Eagle Claw, Rio, Rooster Tail and Fox Light in Scandinavia, please visitwww.kineticfishing.com
Marketing Coordinator, Peter Kirkby
Direct: +45 22 12 76 70
Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00
E-mail: peter@fairpoint.dk
Møn - Laks til "Gadunker"
Møn rapport: "Dagens gæst - Onsdag - var Henning "Gadunker" Nielaen fra Glostrup Trolling klub. Afsted til 40 meteren og kl 8 30 var grejet sat. Der var dødt de første timer selv om der var MASSER af agn fisk(se test GSD 24)hos alle både men Kl ca 11 var der liv på radioen. Vi fik et dobbelt hug med 2 kanon udløb på samme rig i 65 / 50 f men den ene smuttede. Den anden blev - foto - lige over 11 kilo og tæt på ny PR til Henning. Jubel og glæde . Vi fanget yderligere et par flotte fede laks og de andre både det samme. Vi sluttede af med et trippel hug kl 15 på ca 4-6 kilo og satte alle ud da vi havde fisk i båden. Så vejer de 10+ næste gang ;) Så tog vi ind da vinden skulle øge efter en super dag på vandet i let østen vind.
Møn laks og test af GSD 24
Onsdag. Så kom vi på vandet med ny is - Klintholm havn. Måske ville der være en laks men mest for at test nyt Garmin ekko modul . Efter en opdatering med SD kort og fin justering så tegnet det altså flot og NU med enkelt stående fisk .Se bla foto 2 hvor der står en under/i agn kugle til venstre og en bue frit i vandet midt i billede . At det var laks - se næste rapport.
tirsdag den 24. januar 2012
Team Endurance på Møn
Møn rapport : "Konge tur i lækker solskin. En glad Brian Milkovski med en 12,5 kilos dagens største hos Endurance og ny profil til Brian. Kaptajnen høj i hatten . "
Hilsen Helge-
Team Endurance
Hilsen Helge-
Team Endurance
NEW Scierra fly reels 2012
"Hi everyone,
The new Scierra 2012 catalog is now online at www.scierra.com, and it is full of new and functional fly fishing gear. Among the many news in 2012, is a fly reel with a unique design and an extremely light weight construction. The TX1 reel is perfect for both dry fly fishing and nymphing as well as light streamer fishing. It is based on a large arbor design and is made out of lightweight 6061 machine-cut aluminum.
The TX1 reel comes fitted with an overrun brake, it is 100% saltwater resistant, and it will perform equally well in fresh- and saltwater. It is truly the essence of a value-for-money reel!
Two models are available, a 5/6 and a 7/9 with individual weights at 105 and 115grams."
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
Erhvervsparken 14
4621 Gadstrup
Phone: +45 46 17 00 37
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
Erhvervsparken 14
4621 Gadstrup
Phone: +45 46 17 00 37
søndag den 22. januar 2012
Prologic - News
"Hi guys,Among the many exciting carp gear from Prologic this year, we find the new Black Night QR (Quick Release) Hang and Swing indicator kits. These kits consist of unique micro-adjustable hang- and swing indicators that utilize the patented quick release system. These are extremely fast, efficient and reliable indicators.
The kits also include detachable heads in five colors (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Glow), and these heads are supplied with space for beta lights. Vertical taps are incorporated for easy detachment and mounting and both indicators have sliding steel weights for easy and precise adjustment.
For hi res images and RRPs, just say the word.
Oh, and dont forget to check out the new Prologic 2012 catalog. It is online now at www.prologicfishing.com
Have a great weekend."
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
Erhvervsparken 14
4621 Gadstrup
Phone: +45 46 17 00 37
fredag den 20. januar 2012
Wading jacket - KINETIC
News from Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors
Godspeed G2 Wading Jacket
When designing and perfecting this Godspeed G2 wading jacket we aimed for the very best. This jacket is shaped to fit even when fishing gets extreme. You will find all the “pocket-space” needed by expert anglers and you will enjoy all the small features designed specifically for fishing and making fishing more enjoyable. Below the left front pocket cover you will find a headset channel, making it possible to use your phone, iPod or MP3 while keeping it stored in the inner pocket. On the left front pocket you will also find a super magnet insert that will hold both flies and lures. The storm cuffs are designed to prevent water from sneaking up your sleeves – keeping your arms dry on a rainy day. The expandable back pocket design can be zipped in for a close fit when not in use.
Our new WPS Extreme nonporous 3-layer membrane offers a high waterproofness and is able to withstand an 8000 mm water column pressure, the moisture permeability is excellent and the breathability is measured to 5000 g/m2/24hrs. Combined with our wear and tear resistant Nylon/Taslon fabric this gives you the very best in three layer breathable jacket design for both salt- and freshwater.
2 large front pockets
1 small tippet/accessories pocket (front, left)
1 small water-repellent accessories pocket (front, right)
2 front hand warmer pockets
1 inner pocket
1 large expandable back pocket
Godspeed G2 Wading Jacket
· 3 Layers WPS Extreme membrane
· Waterproof: 8000 mm/psi
· Breathability: 5000 g/m2/24hrs
· High performance storm cuffs
· Built-in retractor
· Rod holder system
· Expandable back pocket
· YKK Zipper
· Double tippet feeder system
· YKK D-rings in neck and right front pocket
· Super magnet insert holds both flies and lures
· 4 sizes from M to XXL
Available in Kombu Green size M to XXL
Expected price level:
DKK: 1499,-
SEK: 1999,-
NOK: 1999,-
€: 200,-
We have been testing and perfecting the jacket and the final samples during a couple of seasons. Last test was when it kept us dry during a day of non-stop pouring rain and winds around 15 m/s at the Swedish south coast. The catch-photos attached are from one of the better days of testing while catching a 4.5 kilo arctic char in Greenland.
For further information on Kinetic, Edge, TiCA, Viva, Move Mountains, Westin Unique Flies, Hardy, Greys, Eagle Claw, Rio, Rooster Tail and Fox Light in Scandinavia, please visitwww.kineticfishing.com
Please notice: Outside Scandinavia these products might be distributed by other companies. Prices in Euros mentioned in our press releases cover all of Finland.
Marketing coordinator, Peter Kirkby
Direct: +45 22 12 76 70
Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00
E-mail: peter@fairpoint.dk
To locate nearest dealer:
Denmark: 48 10 38 00
Sweden: 020 -79 89 74
Norway: 80 06 10 41
Finland: +45 48 10 38 00
Consumer and dealer contact:
Tel: +45 48 10 38 00, Email: info@kineticfishing.com, Website: www.kineticfishing.com
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
Peter Kirkby, Marketing Coordinator
Fairpoint Outdoors A/S | Gydevang 4, 1. | DK-3450 | Allerød | Denmark
Phone: +45 4810 3800 | Direct: +45 22 12 76 70 | Fax: +45 4810 3810 | www.kineticfishing.com
torsdag den 19. januar 2012
New S-Gear bag
"Hi everyone,
Among the many exciting 2012 news from Savage Gear, we find the unique Roadrunner Gear Bag.
The Roadrunner Gear Bag is the perfect solution for the mobile bank lure fisherman. It is a thought-through system for carrying all the necessary equipment for lightning quick hit and run fishing in urban areas or along rivers or lakes that offer easy access. The gear bag features adjustable shoulder straps, a spacious front pocket with plenty of room for lures and accessories plus a practical spare rod holder. The gear bag also includes a retractor strap for wire/braid scissors. All in all it is a brilliant addition to the great Savage Gear Luggage and gear bag range."
Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
Erhvervsparken 14
4621 Gadstrup
Phone: +45 46 17 00 37
tirsdag den 17. januar 2012
3 x B
Buller og Butcher på Bugten . Sikken tyk sak.... Kun 72 cm og 5,4 kilo havørred . Det en stor blank vinter fisk på de kanter. Tillykke med ny bugt PR og....den fede hue ;)
Møn - Klintholm fiskeri havn rampe 2012
Klintholm Fiskerihavn 2012
Velkommen til en ny og forhåbentlig ligeså udbytteri laksesæson som 2011. I Klintholm Fiskerihavn glæder vi os til at se jer alle sammen igen i år.
Velkommen til en ny og forhåbentlig ligeså udbytteri laksesæson som 2011. I Klintholm Fiskerihavn glæder vi os til at se jer alle sammen igen i år.
Hvis man køber et årskort giver det adgang til et ubegrænset brug af ramperne i Klintholm Fiskerihavn, Stege Havn, Bogø Havn og Skåninge Bro frem til 31/12 2012. Årskortet giver endvidere adgang til 14 overliggerdage i havnebassinet i fiskerihavnen(men kun efter aftale med havnefoged!!!!!!!!!).
Vi kan i år tilbyde gratis is og frysekapacitet i det gamle ”Fiskernes Fællessalg” som ligger 50m. fra rampen. Kortene kan igen i år købes hos Købmanden i Klintholm Havn, på Turistkontoret i Stege, hos havnefogeden og i selvbetjeningsautomaten ved havnekontoret på Stege Havn (lige over broen og til venstre-50m.,så ligger det på højre hånd)
På snarligt gensyn
Michael Larsen
Stege og Klintholm Havne
2442 2182micl@vordingborg.dk

På snarligt gensyn
Michael Larsen
Stege og Klintholm Havne
2442 2182micl@vordingborg.dk
Big Bob - NEW "Bad boy" jig in cod town....
Nordic Sea Angling guest Christer Mårtensson holding a huge cod caught during spring 2011. The 2012 season is starting soon and Big Bob – the new Magic Minnow sea fishing jig – has arrived just in time to target monster cods like this.
(Photo by www.nordic-sea-angling.se)
New monster jig - Big Bob
News from Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors
A wicked bad-boy is ready to hit the sea fishing camps, the charter boats and all the fast boats out to catch the big one. Big Bob is the nastiest sea fishing jig to ever swim in the North Sea.
Every year during late winter and early spring the so called “Skrei” – the big pelagic cods from the Barents Sea – gathers close to the coastline of northern Norway of to eat and spawn. The amount of fish is unbelievable and the biggest cods found here are the biggest cods found anywhere in the World. Big Bob is designed to play with these big boys as well as the biggest halibuts. No matter if you are out to set a new European cod record or out to catch a big “barren door”, you now have the choice of trying Big Bob in two sizes: Big Bob, 470g and 30cm or thereally Big Bob measuring 730g and 40cm.
· 2 models: 470g/30cm – 730g/40 cm
· 5 colors
· Designed for huge saltwater predators
· Active eyes and durable painting
· Attachment wire-eye for additional stinger hooks
· Great swimming-action
· 100+ lbs Gozen PE-braid assist/stinger rig included
· Ultra sharp Japanese style sea fishing hooks
· Integrated single hook + one #3 heavy duty stinger rig treble (470g)
· Two #3 heavy duty stinger rig trebles (730g)
Available in the following colors: Lively Gadus, Rose Fish, Fancy Cola Cacao, Days of Thunder and Blue Glamour.
Designed with North Sea cod experts:
Big Bob was designed to meet specifications from the staff of guides working at Nordic Sea Anglings many camps in Norway. During last season 20 cods in excess of 30 kilos was caught at the NSA camps and the list of big cods over 20 kilos is unbelievable. There is little doubt that the guys from NSA are the leading experts on how to catch the biggest “skrei” found in Norway. One of the best methods is to find the big shoals of cod and present a big jig just above the shoal. “The biggest cods are at the top of the shoals and large jigs will catch larger cods – areally large jig like Big Bob will make it possible to target the biggest cods”, says Jimmy Andersson from Nordic Sea Angling. “Even the small size is big compared to other jigs and if the weather gets a bit nasty I’m looking forward to the improved line control that the big model will offer”, says Jimmy. “I’m also looking forward to be using the new Big Bob models for targeting halibut. I have high expectations that the weight of these sea fishing jigs will make them a perfect choice for jig trolling after huge halibuts in deeper water”.
More info on Nordic Sea Angling at: www.nordic-sea-angling.se
Expected price level Big Bob 470 g:
DKK: No sales in Denmark due to regulations on use of lead
SEK: 259,-
NOK: 229,-
€: 26,-
Expected price level Big Bob 730 g:
DKK: No sales in Denmark due to regulations on use of lead
SEK: 279,-
NOK: 249,-
€ 30-.
Big Bob contains lead and is not for sale in Denmark
For further information on Kinetic, Edge, TiCA, Viva, Move Mountains, Westin Unique Flies, Hardy, Greys, Eagle Claw, Rio, Rooster Tail and Fox Light in Scandinavia, please visitwww.kineticfishing.com
Please notice: Outside Scandinavia these products might be distributed by other companies. Prices in Euros mentioned in our press releases cover all of Finland.
Marketing coordinator, Peter Kirkby
Direct: +45 22 12 76 70
Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00
E-mail: peter@fairpoint.dk
To locate nearest dealer:
Denmark: 48 10 38 00
Sweden: 020 -79 89 74
Norway: 80 06 10 41
Finland: +45 48 10 38 00
Consumer and dealer contact:
Tel: +45 48 10 38 00, Email: info@kineticfishing.com, Website: www.kineticfishing.com
mandag den 16. januar 2012
Ægte laks i Køge bugt - Team Nybølle
Køge bugt rapport :
"Hej Jan. Søs og jeg var tvivl men tak for hjælpen. Det VAR altså en god dansk laks vi fanget Søndag i Køge bugt. Den tog en kobber Toby 30 g på en sideplaner og dejlig lang fight hvor den gik tungt og dybt. Spændende siger vi bare. Det gik godt og super gasten Søs klaret nettet kanon. Den vejet 8 kilo og ca 2 timer senere havde vi endnu et mega udløb på 500 f...som vi mistede...Hva mon det var ??"
Friske fiske hilsner Team Nybølle - Søs & Jesper
Drengerøven på bugten.
Rapport fra Bugten : " Hey Jan.Her er lige et enkelt foto fra i dag - Søndag. Ikke helt vejr til Møn, så det blev bugten. Fint med fisk, heriblandt et par fine op til godt 3 kg.
Tore & Co i Team Drengerøven
Tore & Co i Team Drengerøven
søndag den 15. januar 2012
Møn og Team Endurance.
"Hej Jan. Vi kom afsted i den friske morgen luft i dag Søndag.Men først over middag gik det løs. Sven Tofte med en 10+. Fint med laks til Endurance ved 40meteren i dag. To missede tilbud.Bedst var sideplaner og store blink . Vandet er faldet til 4,7 C. På foto er Sven og en "pircet" laks med en hilsen fra en langline..."
Hilsen Helge Tesgaard & Co e- Team Endurance
Hilsen Helge Tesgaard & Co e- Team Endurance
Fik sat GSD 24 modul i
Var ellers fiske klar Idag men valgte og sætte det nye Garmin modul i båden. Det nye er at der skal klippes det gl. Transducer stik af , nyt strøm stik på , stel til boksen - se foto og følge foto her - lånt af Freddi fra NB bådene - når i sætter ledning i.
Så må vi se hvordan det virker....næste gang :)
Så må vi se hvordan det virker....næste gang :)
fredag den 13. januar 2012
Nye Toby 30 g - standart farver 2012
Så de nye 2012 standart farver fra ABU i Toby 30 g ude i handlen. Bla. Set hos Marinetorvet. Der er 3 stk med flex folie/malet og 2 stk m/kobber bagside og 1 med messing/guld. Ser frække ud og mon ikk' de ka' lure en sølv fisk ell. 2 til bid...
Vejl pris 45,-
P.S Husk og skift trekrog til en kraftigere!
Vejl pris 45,-
P.S Husk og skift trekrog til en kraftigere!
Abonner på:
Opslag (Atom)