News from Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors
(Salmon report in Swedish below)
Land locked salmon from the shore - Magic Minnow Flax
Last week Daniel Nilsson – one of our Swedish Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors sales representatives had combined a sales meeting with some fishing in the large Swedish lake, Vättern. Costumers Carl Schander and Martin Danielsson from the shop “Böjda Spön” were going to test some of the Magic Minnow lures on the land locked salmon found in the large lake. The first day they were fishing from boat casting with Magic Minnow D360° in-line lures near the rocky shore. A couple of smaller salmon were caught and two others, including a really large one, were lost. All of this during just one and a half hour of fishing.
The second day big waves made boat fishing to risky and the guys went casting from the rocks. Daniel was using a D360° while Martin picked a 20g Magic Minnow Flax in “Burned Jewelry” color. Martin was first to hook up, and as while he was leaning into a big fish, Daniel was able to both hook and land one of the lakes beautiful char. There was no doubt that Martins fish was something extraordinary, and luckily Carl was ready to assist in landing the monster. As expected it was a beautiful salmon – all chrome with dark spots. By carefully weighing the salmon and the landing net, the weight of the salmon could be calculated to 8.1 kilo – truly a remarkable catch!
The large salmon was gently released back into the lake after a few photos, and before the day was over another but smaller char a small salmon were also caught on the Magic Minnow lures.
Huge pikes on Westin Lures
Joakim Eriksson and Christer Lindström are two Swedish pike specialists catching a lot of big pikes every year. Some of the latest catches on Westin lures by the two skilled pike anglers are a couple of fish weighing in at almost the same weight. Using a Parrot Special colored 19 cm Westin Platypus, Joakim caught a 11.38 kg pike. Christer matched this fish by catching a pike weighing 11.47 kg. Both Joakims and Christers fish were caught while trolling at 1.5 knot. Christer was using a 19 cm Westin Jätte (Eelpout color) to catch his fish.
Excellent perch fishing on new Westin jigs
On a couple of boat sessions Peter Kirkby from Kinetic and his friends had some excellent perch fishing, while testing Edge rods and Westin jigs. Several perch over one kilo were caught and the two biggest both balanced the scale at 1375 g. The length measures were 43 and 45 cm.
During the latest trip a Westin PaddleTeez in Confused Tomato color accounted for the 45 cm fish while vertical jigging. Also the new Westin TwinTeez proved to be deadly when shortened down and fished on a drop shot rig.
If you have news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a
For further information on Kinetic, Tica, Viva, Move Mountains, Westin, Unique Flies, Hardy, Eagle Claw, Rio, Rooster Tail and Fox Light in Scandinavia, please
Marketing Coordinator, Peter Kirkby
Direct: +45 22 12 76 70
Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00