fredag den 30. september 2011

Vores Giant Bluefin tuntur i Canada + Fisk&Fri +Sidste nyt!

                 Nyt Fisk & Fri på gaden             

Thomas Petersen er spææændt for...

Thomas er godt 2 m.....

Min nye kramme bamse ....

Søren Jensen aka Pølse-Søren og jeg viser flaget....Wau sikken tur.

Så der lidt foto og et par linjer i Fisk & Fri .
Flere har spurgt efter et billede ell. to så her er der da lidt :o)

Læs fulde historie i det nye Fisk & Fri.
Eller tjek:

Thomas Petersen og Jesper Pedersen ER taget der over igen på en hurtig "smut" tur og Jesper fanget en på
900 lbs på 80 lbs "stand up" gear på 1 time 15 min....
Snak lige om tun gale...

Godt vejr & go´ weekend.

World record golden perch?

News from Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors

                                                            World record golden perch?

September 25th Torben Christensen from Kinetic was up for a surprise as he was fishing on Esrum Lake in Denmark. Not only did he catch a perch in a very unusual size. It also had a very unusual color. The huge perch weighing 1.75 kilos didn’t have the usual green coloration with dark, black stripes. Instead it was completely golden, making it a very unusual sight, as it was brought to the boat from a deep part of the lake.

The golden perch is the same species as a normal perch (Perca fluviatilis). The unusual color is caused by a mutation similar to that found on golden tench in garden ponds.

Torben caught his fish on a black jig using a Kinetic 6’ rod and a Viva reel. As far as we know this is very likely to be the biggest golden perch ever caught. Who knows? Maybe Torben is now an unofficial world record holder?

If you have news on big fish caught using our tackle, lures or equipment. Don’t hesitate to send us a report and a picture:

For further information on Kinetic, Tica, Viva, Move Mountains, Westin, Unique Flies, Hardy, Eagle Claw, Rio, Rooster Tail and Fox Light in Scandinavia, please visit

Marketing Coordinator, Peter Kirkby

Nice fish Mr TC :o)

Jan Svenstrup -

torsdag den 29. september 2011

Ny båd ny laks til Michael

Simris rapport Michael "Trolling centrum" : Lakse skæl i den nye båd. Fin fin plus 4 kg taget i 100 f på Apex. Juuubii"

tirsdag den 27. september 2011

Kommentar - DM indlæg fra d 25

Der er desværre en skidt debat i DM indlægget fra d 25 her på bloggen - under "kommentar" feltet nederst.
I/vi er i fremtiden velkommen med kommentare både sjovt ,surt og spørgsmål. MEN i dette tilfælde
er jeg nødtil og forsvare os selv og de impliceret i beskyldningerne.

Ang. indlæg gennerelt så kan jeg skrive,stave forkert og fået forkerte oplysninger og retter dette til hver en tid hvis det er ukorekt.

Håber i nyder bloggen og forsat god læsning til ALLE :O)

Jan Svenstrup -

Syd Sveriges Sæson afslutning

Einar Gjaldbæk - 2,5 kg "sømmet" fast..

David Thormar - 3,5 kg  + Kongetobis

Storørreder ved sæsonafslutning

Ved de sydsvenske kyster slutter ørredsæsonen I midten af september. I ugerne optil afslutningen skal der ofte kæmpes for at finde fiskene, men når det lykkes, kan fiskeriet være rigtig godt med chance for nogle alvorligt store fisk.

Einar Gjaldbæk og hans søn David Thormar fra Kinetics Test Team havde en del ture, før det for alvor lykkedes at finde fiskene i år. Fredag d. 11. september kom der hul på bylden. På et Magic Minnow Sømmet i Pattegris farven (pink og hvid) landede Einar en smuk og velkæmpende 2,5 kilos fisk, mens David måtte nøjes med en mindre fisk.

Dagen efter havde Einar tid til en halv dags fiskeri i Sydsverige, og hans ihærdighed blev for alvor belønnet da han landede hele 9 havørreder. Desværre var der ingen større fisk i mellem.

Om søndagen var David atter med på tur. Han valgte at fiske med en stor Magic Minnow Kongetobis, der blev fisket med langsomt vuggende gang hen over lavt vand. Denne teknik viste sig at være dødelig effektiv for en flot 3,5 kilos ørred, der blev dagens største. En fin ørred på 2,3 kilo lod sig ligeledes friste af samme teknik og agn.

Der var dog endnu større fisk på pladsen og med lidt held havde Einar vundet familiekonkurrencen. Han fiskede også med en Kongetobis, da en stor ørred på over 5 kilo angreb agnen. I stedet for at stikke af sted i et udløb valgte fisken at svømme i højt tempo ind mod Einar, før den sprang helt fri af vandet lige foran ham. Den slags manøvrer er et af de mest feje tricks en storørred mestrer og det gik hverken værre eller bedre end at krogholdet røg. Det blev ikke til nogen monsterørred til Einar, men sikke en oplevelse!

Ørredfredningen ved de sydsvenske kyster varer indtil 1. januar, så det varer en rum tid før Einar atter får chancen for en sydsvensk storørred.

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Peter Kirkby, Marketing Coordinator

Jan Svenstrup -

søndag den 25. september 2011

Vinder 1-3 DM i fladfisk 2011 -10500 flade...

Alle præmie vindere i hver kategori.

Nr 1 Team Det Løgn fra fyn

Nr 3 Team Garmin

Vinder 1-3 i Team - Det Løgn / Carpe Diem / Garmin.
Individuel blev unge Frederik Glud med en skrubbe på godt 1,5 kg og total 12 000.- rigere ! Stort tillykke til alle.
Selv blev vi i Team Big Bandit nr 5 efter en 3 plads igår som vi ikke kunne holde. Men vi super g(f)lade og super tak til Kim & Jesper for en fed weekend.
Der blev iøvrigt MINDST fanget 10500 flade ...så Onsevig har helt sikkert DM vandet til dette.

Se samlet resultat og art liste her:


Rene negle og små fisk

Ja de ska nok være større... Vi har dog 4 arter igen idag . Nu det slut og nu må vi se...

Mr Cap. Big Bandit med Hvarr

Yea lille pighvarr

DM i flade dag 2

DM skudt igang 2 dag.

lørdag den 24. september 2011

Nr 3 efter første dag.Jesper´s Slethvarr der fik os højere op på listen.

Fik en slethvar til sidst så 4 arter til os i Team Big Bandit.Nu ser vi hvor langt det rækker. Størst hvarr så langt er Team Taz på 1,8 kg...

Spand flade

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

3 på 1 gang

1 på hver ;) 

fredag den 23. september 2011


Klar til DM i fladfisk imorgen i Onsevig - Lolland. Js 

Laksen længe leve

                                                             Kære Laksefisker

Dansk Laksefond har siden oprettelsen i 1994 indsamlet og uddelt over 1.5 mio. kr. til forbedring af laksefiskenes krav til vandkvalitet, passage og gydemuligheder.

Alene fra 2004-2011 er uddelt 836.000 kr. Uddelingerne er gået til en lang række forskellige projekter, herunder blandt andet:

1. Sportsfiskerforeninger på Sjælland til udlægning af gydegrus.
2. Danmarks Center for Vildlaks, der i Jylland producerer laks og havørred til udsætning i jyske åer.

3. North Atlantic Salmon Fund, Island, der arbejder internationalt på at forbedre laksens vilkår.

Vores hovedsponsor har de seneste år været Harboe Bryggeri, men bidraget derfra kan ikke dække de ønsker, vi modtager om hjælp. Med denne mail håber jeg at kunne formå dig til at sende et beløb, stort eller småt, til Dansk Laksefond.

Konto nr. 2191 - 1485624283, Nordea.

Alle bidrag vil gå ubeskåret til fordel for laks og havørred, idet Dansk Laksefonds bestyrelse arbejder vederlagsfrit.

Se i øvrigt Dansk Laksefonds hjemmeside:

Du anmodes om at videresende denne mail til dine venner.

Venlig hilsen

Søren Larsen

Jan Svenstrup -

Predator from Phil

Hi guys,

Our UK consultant, Phil Blakey had an interesting day's worth of fishing recently. He went out for a few hours in the evening with his fishing buddy 'Jammy' Bob, and it didn't take long for Phil to hook up with a beautiful 19lb predator. The go-to lure was the 17cm Freestyler in the Cod pattern, and this lure played an important role later, when another massive fish was in the vicinity.

Phil tossed out a 10 meter cast along the bank, and with the lure in view - a massive fish hit it from behind and swallowed it whole. A heady fight ensued, and when all was said and done, Phil could chin a 24lb 4oz pike. The gear used was a Savage Gear 7’ Big Lure & Jerk rod, 50lb Adrenaline braid, and an Okuma Citrix Baitcaster reel.

Congratulations, Phil!

Med venlig hilsen/All the best
Rasmus Ovesen

Marketing coordinator

Svendsen Sport A/S

Jan Svenstrup -

onsdag den 21. september 2011

Flåd fisk fra Sundet.

Makrel bonanza på let grej

Makrellerne i Øresund – sundet mellem Danmark og Sverige – er meget stærke fightere. De er normalt svære at finde i stort antal men til gengæld har de størrelsen med sig. Netop derfor kan det være en udfordring at jagte disse stribede mini-torpedoer med let grej og en tilsvarende suveræn oplevelse, når det lykkes.
På det seneste har Kinetics sælger i det sydlige Sverige, Fredrik Lundblad, haft held til at friste makrellerne med sildestrimler i 6-9 meters dybde.

Mandag formiddag var Frederik atter på Øresund i selskab med Amer Zukanovic fra sportfiskebutikken Piscari i Helsingborg. Turen var en perfekt anledning til at få testet noget af det nye grej, der vil være tilgængeligt i butikkerne fra 2012. I dette tilfælde den nye Edge Dynamic Light Spin stang (9’6” 3-15 g) og det nye TiCA Stunna hjul. Både stang og hjul fungerede suverænt og i løbet af deres korte tur fangede Fredrik og Amer 20 bomstærke makreller fra 700 til 1000 gram og oplevede med andre ord et rent makrel bonanza på let grej.

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Peter Kirkby, Marketing Coordinator

Jan Svenstrup -

lørdag den 17. september 2011

Finish - Kinetic

Kinetic finland - fishing team yksi kaksi. Competition in most herring fore Mr. Petersen. Kaksi won 23-22...

Sort af sild i Sundet

Sort af sild på sundet idag . Hygge fiskeri med Team Kinetic. 

fredag den 16. september 2011

360´ - NY Kyst agn i frække UV farver.!

Kinetic Test Team Member David Thormar showing a beautiful 4.8 kg seatrout caught on a 28 g Magic Minnow D360°.

This is how a “UV Pickled Sardine” looks when exposed to an ultraviolet light source.

UV Pickled Sardine” is one of several Magic Minnow D360° UV colors. This photo shows how it looks to the human eye when exposed to sunlight.

From top to bottom: Magic Minnow D360° “UV Shoeshine Herring” 28g, “Three Amigos” 18g and “Hottie” 18 g.

News from Kinetic / Fairpoint Outdoors

New inline lure for Monster sea trout ­– D360°

Magic Minnow D360° is an inline lure for sea trout fishing. It is designed to catch more fish– and loose less! It will cast far and has a great irregular action that will attract fish from far away. Occasional spin stops will make it spin and rotate to attract even more trout’s.

The work on this inline lure started 2 years ago. During spring 2011 Kinetic Test Team member David Thormar was test fishing some of the final samples of D360°. His best session revealed just how efficient this new lure can be. He caught a staggering number of 5 silver plated trout’s in excess of 3 kilos each. The biggest took the scale to 4.8 kilos.

The use of inline lures has been very popular in Denmark for many years and the reason is obvious: Once a hooked trout starts rolling in the surface, a regular lure can be used as a lever to get rid of the hook and many trout’s are lost this way. By using an inline lure the lure will simply slide up the line and cannot be used as a lever. This way less fish are lost during the fight.

It is simple to rig a D360°. Run your line through the lure and use a small round or oval bead to protect the knot before tying the line to a single- or treble-hook of your choice. If you prefer a free swinging hook we recommend mounting the hook on an oval split ring and tying the knot to the one-stranded part of the ring.

• Designed and developed in Scandinavia
• Incredible swimming action
• Lead free construction
• Inline concept – lose less fish!

This autumn Magic Minnow D360° is available at the tackle shops in 10 different colors (including several UltraViolet colors) and 2 different weights – 18 g and 28 g.

Expected price level:
DKK: 59,-
SEK: 79,-
NOK: 69,-
€: 8,-
NB! A small sea trout video including underwater footage of D360° can be seen on YouTube:

Direct link to the video:

Link for downloading video:

Marketing coordinator, Peter Kirkby

Direct: +45 22 12 76 70
Fairpoint Outdoors: +45 48 10 38 00

Jan Svenstrup -

Efterlysning -Ryds 600 stjålet!!

Efterlysning Efterlysning !!!!! Min Ryds 600 der hedder Pumba er blevet stjålet igår !!!!!!! Der er et billede på hver side af overbygningen med et billede af Pumba !!!!!!! ring venligst hvis du ser den !!!!!!!! der er en Suzuki 140 på i sort !!!!!!
Trailer nr. er SJ 41 58 -
Ring asap hvis du ser denne. til mig på telefon 27 12 02 68

MVH Christoffer Vitek - Team Pumpa

onsdag den 14. september 2011

Nyt Kroatien-DK både

Kroatien nyt : En lille hilsen fra det varme syd status i går
Grizzly 1 45 kg til Kristoffersen
Dyret Casper 168 ca 65 kg
Mac'rellen 1 50 kg
Pingvinen 2 stk 45 kg
I Dag Hjulben 1 118 cm
2 Maden 2 stk 60 og den sidste har vi ikke fået data på end nu. Fiske friske morgen hilsner Kim "bamse" Mortensen - Team Pingvinen

tirsdag den 13. september 2011

Historic Halibut fishing - Cutbait Herring.
Johan / Sportfiskegiganten

Mr.Richard /Sportfiskegiganten

Hi Folks!!

Great reports coming in every day now!!
Historic halibut and coalfish fishing with Cutbait Herring Lures!!

Last week, Swedish Pro tackle shop, Sportfiskegiganten – had a customer trip to Norwegian Havøysund – where perfect weather made a very scenic and enjoyable trip!! The fishing turned into a historic haul of amazing halibut – and a new camp record!! An insane 312 halibut was caught between the 32 anglers during the week – topped by a crazy list of 180, 180, 160, 158, 158, 155, 154, 150, 148 och 147 cm!! more or less all fish where caught on the Brilliant Cutbait Herring from Savage Gear – best colors Mama Rosa (new for 2012) Red fish and Puffin!!

See more here:

Also, pro guide Julius Drewes, from
 is having the most amazing results with the Cutbait heriing lures!! Landing massive coal fish, with several fish over 16kg up to 18,1kg in Tromsoe area!!
Brgds Mads Grosell


Jan Svenstrup -

Kaj i Kroatien.

Kroatien rapport :"Hej Jan
Rapport fra Diva3 . 5 tun op til 70 kg 2 mistede sværfisk op til 50 kg ,1 blåhaj på 2 meter og en mistet mantarock på 400 kg som sprang 3 meter op over havoverfladen svømmer hurtigere end tun og knækkede min 50 pundstang. Vi har stadig resten af ugen til flere biggame eventyr."
Kap.Kaj Frederik Wohlfeldt - Team Diva 3

Season start at Pesca Panama

Greetings from Pesca Panama

With the beginning of Pesca Panama’s season fast approaching it is time for us to let you know what we have been doing since our last charter in July. The crew in Panama has been busy preparing for this season so that when our fishermen arrive – we will be in tip top shape.

Maintenance Report from Pesca Panama

1. The barge has been freshly painted and all the wood work has fresh varnish.
2. All five Ocean Masters are going through the fiber-glass shop to bring them up to new condition.
3. Electrician is checking all the wiring on all five Ocean Masters and making any repairs that are needed.
4. Our mechanic is rebuilding all 10 engines, replacing worn out parts and checking the props.
5. Over 40 rods and reels are in the shop for annual maintenance work.

Everyone at Pesca Panama is looking forward to another great season of fishing and to seeing our anglers again. The crew has worked hard in these months off from fishing to make sure that when you arrive at the dock in David – all they have to do is put you in the boat and “go fishing”.

If you are still thinking of a charter with Pesca Panama we have some November dates for those of you who love Dorado, Wahoo, Sails and Snapper and a few January dates for the Black Marlin enthusiast still available. Call for dates and prices so you can be a part of the action at Pesca Panama this season.

We know many of you have felt the wrath of “Mother Nature” this summer with either flooding or record heat. We hope that you have dry days and cooler temperatures and that you and your families are safe.

To all of our anglers we thank you for the opportunity to show you the “greatest variety of Inshore and Offshore fishing in the World” with Pesca Panama as your host.

Tight Lines,

Cap.Jay Gustin

1 800 946-3474

Jan Svenstrup -

Fly news

Dear Jan,

Fall is known as "trophy trout time" on the North Platte River, but this fall promises to be epic! Because of the incredible snow pack of the 2010/2011 winter, the river has been running at a huge water level all season(almost 8000cfs). Now that the Bureau of Rec is finally dropping the levels, the water will soon be low and clear and the fishing promises to be some of the best we've ever seen. I have had the opportunity to be on the water a lot lately with our busy season, and I am absolutely amazed at the size and strength of the fish we are seeing. Super charged by high water and on the feed!

I would like to encourage any of you that are planning to fish with us during this epic fall season to book soon (307-237-5997) , our books are filling up faster than last year due to the unbelievable conditions.

On a more personal note, I would also like to thank all of you for making the 2011 fishing season our best ever!! So far the guides and I have rowed over 700 guide trips already this year. I just hope that you had as much fun fishing as we, the guides, had floating with all of you. So thank you for all you have done to support us and the guides and I will be looking forward to the next time we can spend a day on the water with you.

Best Fishes,

Ryan Anderson and the PRFS Crew


Jan Svenstrup -

mandag den 12. september 2011

Kroatien nyt

Rapport - Kroatien: Hej Jan.En lille fiske hilsen fra syden.
Vi har fået en albercore på 11 kg i dag Grizzly fik en 35 kg og en 65 Kaj ( diva 3) har smidt to sværfisk i dag og havde en kæmpe manta på i går der bliver taget godt med fisk til de fleste både vi venter på en blå inu.. ;-)
Dejligt varmt 30 c hver dag og max 4 m/s resten af ugen ;-) Med fiske hilsen Kim "Bamse" og DK holdet

Ocean season ovre at Murphy´s.

Hello Friends and Fellow Anglers,

Marilyn and I are back from Kyuquot and in the office for the first time in almost 10 weeks. We are excited to be home and we are looking forward to getting back out on the river this week. Kyuquot was just outstanding this year and we are anticipating great returns of fish back to the Stamp River this fall. Cohos were very abundant on the west coast this year and we are thinking that a big part of those fish are heading back to our home river in the next 30 days.

The next two months are a very special time for us here at Murphys, as we are on the home waters of the Stamp River and neighbouring tributaries. These rivers offer two amazing opportunities. The first being that this is your best chance to get a Salmon or Steelhead on the fly, which for many is a lifetime dream. The second highlight is that the fall Salmon fishery is a sure way to hook your kids or spouse on fishing. There are so many fish swimming by on a daily basis that the encounter rate is high, which is great for the learning curve. Also being such an "active" and "hands on" fishery, the kids dont get bored!

Our ocean season in Kyuquot was the best yet. It is hard to describe it any other way. We are over 60% sold out for next year already, just with this year's friends planning to return next year. Due to the year after year early season success, we are opening 10 days earlier next year. Our updated online photo gallery and 2012 calendar will be highlighted in our next update.

We hope you enjoy this update and please give us a call if you would like to chat about fishing!
Warm Regards to Everyone,

                                                      David Murphy and Marilyn Scanlan

River Season On!

Chinook, Coho and Steelhead Fishing Season Opens.

Sunshine and Salmon....what more could we ask for? The river is in perfect shape for the fall fishery with the gravel bars just showing their peaks.

Good numbers of Coho and Chinook are starting to stage in the ocean and we should start seeing good numbers very soon. Commercial fishing has been very minimal this year and we are anticipating that this will be the case for the rest of the fall. There will be no seiners in the canal this fall so we should not see too many holes in the runs. Like last year we will also see the Somasss and lower Stamp open for the use of bait, which equals a lot of good times for anglers choosing to catch large Chinook on drift gear. There is no better way to introduce someone to fishing in the river, than teaching them how to catch large Chinooks. We are expecting a good return of Chinooks to the river this fall and we expect the fishing to be similar to what we had last year.

Many of our guests have catching Steelhead on a fly, on their bucket list and we suggest that October and early November are the best times in our area. Low flows in September are often tough for Steelhead as the water temperature can creep up, switching Steelhead into a dormant stage, that pushes them to the deepest parts of the river. The first rains switch them back into a hungry state and generally our rainy season starts in early October.

For the next 60 days let us entertain you and show you some of the best river fishing in British Columbia.....
Jan Svenstrup -

lørdag den 10. september 2011

Preben B. i sensommer Simris

Simris rapport: Hej Jan. Var ude det meste af dagen fra Simrishamn. Jeg fisket øst for lange grund over 50-60 m vand .Jeg tog 5 fine sen sommer laks med hjem til Jylland. Alle hugget mell 80-120 fod bedst var min farvorit "Flat jack"  4" i orange/grøn.Største var lige under 5 kg.Der var nogle ude og alle fik vist godt med fisk, største jeg hørte om var 8 kg.
Med fiske hilsen Preben Braagård - Team Coacher´s

torsdag den 8. september 2011

Team Okuma DK - home from Croatia

Mr.Møller - aka - "Joker"

Henrik S Lund with the golden smile

Sword fish the Okuma way...

Croatian Okuma consultant, Dalien Vignjevic & Magnus Gunnarsson

"Hi guys,

Tuna fishing has been red hot in Croatia lately, and we have had a couple of our guys down there testing these fierce fish for strength and fight power.

Okuma consultants, Henrik S Lund and Christian Moeller, planned a 10 day trip down there determined to break the code on their own. It was their first tuna attempt, they had brought along their own boat, and they only had a few reports to go from. Nonetheless, they succeeded massively with nine tuna and one sword fish. The guys used Okuma Makaira reels, and they handled the frenetic tuna abuse with elegance.

Our Croatian Okuma consultant, Dalien Vignjevic, has also been out to sea, and from him we have the following:

'In a very tight schedule Okuma`s Magnus Gunnarsson found some time to team up with me and we went for a tuna trip here on the Croatian side of Adriatic sea. We were fishing with dead bait sardines and drifting methods. First part of the day passed without any action, but after a mid day break, tunas were on....

We caught a small 30kg tuna right away, and just half of hour later this big mama took our slow sinking sardine and gave Okuma Makaira 80 LB rod a hell of workout. Although there were moments of complete mayhem, everything went well at the end and this approx 80-90 kg fish was landed.

After that we had an unforgettable experience of watching 100-150 kilo fish emerging from the deep and taking our pre-baiting sardines right next to the boat with incredible grace and speed. We managed to get one of them hooked, but not in the boat!

Unfortunately, we ran out sardines so had to leave active fish and possibility of another monster catch. The day was perfect anyway...

This hard core fishing with enormous and hard fighting fish, big game tackle and serious approach to every aspect of fishing made this trip one of the most memorable fishing experiences of our lives!
Cant wait to get back there!'"

Keep the reports coming, and don't forget to join our Okuma Europe Facebook page:

Med venlig hilsen/All the best

Rasmus Ovesen
Marketing coordinator
Svendsen Sport A/S
Jan Svenstrup -